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Gurners Lane

Gurners Lane is located between William and Queen streets, connecting Collins Street with Little Collins Street. It intersects with Temple Court Place on the east side.

Gurners Lane was named prior to 1856 for Henry Gurner, the Crown Solicitor of Victoria 1851-80. Gurner lived in nearby William Street until 1854. The Australian Club was established in 1878 and from 1895 located between Gurners Lane and William Street. The lane was also the residence of its caretaker, Daniel Sullivan.

Alexandra Gerner

Sands & McDougall’s commercial and general Melbourne directory, Sands & McDougall, Melbourne, 1892. Details
Sands & McDougall’s commercial and general Melbourne directory, Sands & McDougall, Melbourne, 1930. Details
'Central Melbourne - Lanes F-H', in Amendment C105 - CBD Laneways Review, City of Melbourne, 2007, http://www.melbourne.vic.gov.au/info.cfm?top=195&pg=3065&bp=1902&coll=8. Details
The Australian Club, Melbourne, http://www.theaustralianclub.com.au/home.php. Details
Bate, Weston, Essential but unplanned: The story of Melbourne's lanes, State Library of Victoria and the City of Melbourne, Melbourne, 1994. Details