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    Little Collins Street, corner of Coates Lane, Melbourne, c. 1880 - c. 1938, by John Henry Harvey, courtesy of State Library of Victoria.

Coates Lane East and Coates Lane West

Coates Lane East leads south off Little Collins Street between Spring and Exhibition streets. It previously ran parallel to Coates Lane West (also called Coates Lane 2) and the two lanes joined at their ends via a perpendicular track. The lanes were named after grazier Walter Coates, who purchased a property on the banks of the Yarra River in 1840. Both lanes were primarily residential from the 1890s to the 1920s, but gradually developed a more industrial flavour. Amongst the many small factories that appeared during the early twentieth century were the Australian Rubber Mills. Coates Lane West was built over in the later twentieth century.

Edwina Byrne

'Central Melbourne - Lanes C-D', in Amendment C105 - CBD Laneways Review, City of Melbourne, 2007, http://www.melbourne.vic.gov.au/info.cfm?top=195&pg=3065&bp=1902&coll=8. Details
Bate, Weston, Essential but unplanned: The story of Melbourne's lanes, State Library of Victoria and the City of Melbourne, Melbourne, 1994. Details

See also

Lanes and Alleys