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- à Beckett, Ada Mary (1872 - 1948), educationist
- à Beckett, Thomas (1836 - 1919), judge
- à Beckett, William (1806 - 1869), chief justice
- à Beckett, William Arthur Callander (1833 - 1901), barrister
- A.L.F.
- see Henry, Alice (1857 - 1943), journalist and woman's rights advocate
- Abattoirs
- Abbotsford
- Aberfeldie
- Aboriginal Artefacts
- Aboriginal Child-Care Agency
- Aboriginal Community Elders Service
- Aboriginal Melbourne
- Aboriginal Melbourne
- Abortion
- Academy of Mary Immaculate
- Accidents and Disasters
- Acclimatisation Society of Victoria
- ACDC Lane
- Acland Street
- Adair, Denis
- see Cronin, Bernard Charles (1884 - 1968), author
- Adam Lindsay Gordon Memorial
- Adam, George Rothwell Wilson (1853 - 1924), physician
- Adams, Beryl Vere Nassau
- see Mackinnon, Claire Adams (1896 - 1978), benefactor and film actress
- Adams, Claire
- see Mackinnon, Claire Adams (1896 - 1978), benefactor and film actress
- Adamson Lane
- Adcock, William Eddrup (1846 - 1931), businessman and journalist
- Adult Education
- Advertising Industry
- Advertising, Outdoor
- Affleck, Arthur Herbert (1903 - 1966), aviator
- Africans
- Agar, Wilfred Eade (1882 - 1951), zoologist
- Age Newspaper
- Aged Care
- Agricola
- see Walsh, John Joseph (1819 - 1895), journalist, land reformer and political agitator
- Agriculture
- Ah Mouy, Louis (1826 - 1918), Chinese community leader and merchant
- Airport
- Airport West
- Aitken, George Lewis (1864 - 1940), pastoralist and woolbroker
- Albanvale
- Albert Coates Lane
- Albert Park
- Albert Park Lake
- Albert Park Reserve
- Albert Place
- Albion
- Albion Alley
- Albion Hotel
- Albiston, Arthur Edward (1866 - 1961), clergyman
- Alcock, Alfred Upton (1865 - 1962), electrical engineer and inventor
- Alcock, Randal James (1853 - 1927), merchant
- Alcoholism
- Aldon, Sonia
- see Ewart, Florence Maud (1864 - 1949?), musician
- Alexander Technique
- Alexander, Lilian Helen (1861 - 1934), medical practitioner
- Alexander, Samuel (1859 - 1938), philosopher
- Alexandra Club
- Alexandra Park and Gardens
- Alfred Graving Dock
- Alfred Hospital
- Alfred Place
- Allan, George Leavis (1826 - 1897), music dealer
- Allan, Robert Marshall (1886 - 1946), physician and professor of obstetrics
- Allan, Stella May (1871 - 1962), journalist
- Allan's Music
- Allen, Alfred Weaver (Alf) (1870 - 1925), manufacturing confectioner
- Allen, Harry Brookes (1854 - 1926), medical administrator and pathologist
- Allen, Leslie Holdsworth (1879 - 1964), scholar
- Allen, Mary Cecil (1893 - 1962), artist, lecturer on art and writer
- Alliance Française
- Allison, William John (1903 - 1966), businessman
- Alphington
- Alsop Lane
- Alston Lane
- Alternative Medicine
- Altona
- Ambulance Services
- Americans
- Amess, Samuel (1826 - 1898), building contractor
- Amies, Arthur Barton Pilgrim (1902 - 1976), professor of dental science
- Amstel
- Anderson, Frank Struan (1909 - 1976), mining engineer
- Anderson, George (1878 - 1969), printer
- Anderson, William (1868 - 1940), theatrical entrepreneur
- Anderson, William Hopton (1891 - 1975), air force officer
- Anderson, William Wallace (1888 - 1975), sculptor
- Andrade, David Alfred (1859 - 1928), anarchist and bookseller
- Andrew, Henry Martyn (1845 - 1888), headmaster and professor
- Andrews, John Arthur (1865 - 1903), anarchist and journalist
- Angel
- Angelo Lane
- Anglican Church
- Angliss Meatworks
- Angry Penguins
- Animal Welfare
- Anne Sgro Child Centre
- Annois, Leonard Lloyd (Len) (1906 - 1966), artist
- Anti-Football League
- Anti-Immigration Groups
- Antipodes Festival
- Anti-War and Peace Movements
- ANZ Bank Collins Street
- ANZ Banking Museum
- Anzac Day
- Apollo Belvedere
- Appeals
- Appleford, Alice
- see Ross-King, Alice (1891 - 1968), army nurse and civilian
- Appleton, William Thomas (1859 - 1930), businessman
- Aquarium
- Arabs
- Arbitration Court
- Arc Lane
- Arcade Alley
- Arcades
- Archaeology
- Archery
- Arches
- Architectural Fragment
- Architecture
- Architecture & Planning
- Ardeer
- Arden, George (1820? - 1854), author and editor
- Argus Alley
- Argus Newspaper
- Argyle, Stanley Seymour (1867 - 1940), medical practitioner and premier
- Armadale
- Armenians
- Armstrong, Edmund la Touche (1864 - 1946), librarian
- Armstrong, Nellie
- see Melba, Nellie (1861 - 1931), prima donna
- Armstrong, Warwick Windridge (1879 - 1947), cricketer
- Army Camps
- Armytage, Charles Henry (1824 - 1876), pastoralist
- Arnot, Margaret
- see McLean, Margaret (1845 - 1923), feminist and temperance advocate
- Art Education
- Art Galleries
- Art Magazines and Publishing
- Art Societies and Clubs
- Artemis Lane
- Arthurs Creek
- Artist in Grey, The
- see Bateman, Edward La Trobe (1815? - 1897), architectural decorator , book illuminator, draughtsman and garden designer
- Artists' Camps and Sketching Grounds
- Arts Centre
- Asche, Thomas Stange Heiss Oscar (1871 - 1936), actor-manager
- Ascot Vale
- Ashburton
- Ashckinasy, Moses
- see Ashkanasy, Maurice (1901 - 1971), barrister and Jewish community leader
- Ashkanasy, Maurice (1901 - 1971), barrister and Jewish community leader
- Ashwood
- Ashworth, Thomas Ramsden (1864 - 1935), publicist
- Aspendale
- Aspinall, Butler Cole (1830 - 1875), barrister, journalist, politician and wit
- Aspro
- Assemblies of God
- Assembly Hall
- Astmann, Johanna
- see Weigel, Johanna Wilhelmine (1847 - 1940), paper-pattern manufacturer
- Astronomy
- Athenaeum Club
- Athenaeum Place
- Athletics
- Atkins, John Ringrose (Dan Barry) (1851 - 1908), theatrical manager
- Attiwill, Ethel Tracy
- see Richardson, Ethel Tracy (1877 - 1942), army matron-in-chief and nursing sister
- Attwood
- Auburn
- Audax
- see Biggs, Leonard Vivian (1873 - 1944), journalist
- Austin and Repatriation Medical Centre
- Austin, Baron
- see Austin, Herbert (Baron Austin) (1866 - 1941), engineer
- Austin, Herbert (Baron Austin) (1866 - 1941), engineer
- Austin, Sidney (1846 - 1906), pastoralist and politician
- Austral Lane
- Australia Arcade
- Australia Hotel
- Australia Today And Tomorrow
- Australian Aborigines' League
- Australian Breastfeeding Association
- Australian Building
- Australian Catholic University
- Australian Centre for Contemporary Art
- Australian Children's Folklore Collection
- Australian Church
- Australian Club
- Australian Conservation Foundation
- Australian Consolidated Industries Ltd
- Australian Council of Trade Unions
- Australian Gallery of Sport and Olympic Museum
- Australian Greek Welfare Society
- Australian Health Society
- Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute
- Australian Labor Party
- Australian Medical Association
- Australian Natives Association
- Australian Nouveau Theatre
- Australian Open Tennis Championships
- Australian Paper Manufacturers Ltd
- Australian Performing Group
- Australian Psychological Society
- Australian Racing Museum
- Australian Retired Persons Association
- Australian Student Christian Movement
- Australian Women's National League
- Australis
- see Moloney, Patrick (1843 - 1904), physician and writer
- Austrians
- Avery, David (1871 - 1956), chemical consultant
- Aviation
- Avondale Heights
- Avonsleigh