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- Cabena, William Whyte (1853 - 1928), businessman and lord mayor
- Cable Trams
- Cabrini Hospital
- Cadell, Francis (1822 - 1879), entrepreneur and river navigator
- Cadet Corps
- Café Latin
- Café Petrushka
- Cahill, Ellen (c. 1863 - 1934), street singer
- Cain, William (1831 - 1914), businessman
- Cairns, Adam (1802 - 1881), Presbyterian clergyman and theologian
- Calder Park Thunderdome
- Calder, George (1839 - 1903), mariner
- Caldermeade
- Caledonian Lane
- Calwell, Arthur Augustus (1896 - 1973), politician
- Camberwell
- Cambodians
- Cameron, Alexander (1864 - 1940), public servant and solicitor
- Cameron, Donald James (Don) (1878 - 1962), labour journalist , politician and trade unionist
- Camp Pell
- Campbell Lane
- Campbell, Charles (1840 - 1905), merchant and pastoralist
- Campbell, John Archibald (1854 - 1916), pastoralist
- Campbell, Oswald Rose (1820 - 1887), artist
- Campbellfield
- Canadians
- Candler, Samuel Curtis (1827 - 1911), coroner
- Cannibal Club
- Canterbury
- Cape Schanck
- Capital Punishment
- Capitol Arcade
- Capitol Theatre
- Captain Cook Statue
- Captain Matthew Flinders Statue
- Carandini, Rosina Martha Hosanah
- see Palmer, Rosina Martha Hosanah (1844 - 1932), singer
- Carbine Club
- Cardigan
- see Wolfe, Herbert Austin (1897 - 1968), turf journalist
- Cardinia Shire
- Carlton
- Carlton & United Breweries
- Carlton Football Club
- Carlton Gardens
- Carlton Refuge
- Carnegie
- Carols By Candlelight
- Carr, Thomas Joseph (1839 - 1917), Catholic archbishop
- Carringbush
- Carrum
- Carrum Downs
- Carrum Swamp
- Carson, David (1843 - 1931), businessman and mining speculator
- Carson, Norman John (1877 - 1964), businessman
- Carsons Place
- Carter, Godfrey Downes (1830 - 1902), merchant and politician
- Cartooning
- Casey City
- Casey, Baron
- see Casey, Richard Gavin Gardiner [Baron Casey] (1890 - 1976), diplomat, engineer, governor, governor-general and politician
- Casey, James Joseph (1831 - 1913), judge and politician
- Casey, Richard Gavin Gardiner [Baron Casey] (1890 - 1976), diplomat, engineer, governor, governor-general and politician
- Cash, Deirdre [Criena Rohan] (1924 - 1963), novelist
- Cass, Walter Edmund Hutchinson (1876 - 1931), soldier and teacher
- Casselden Place
- Cathcart, James Faucitt (1828 - 1902), actor
- Cathcart, Mary Fanny (1833 - 1880), actress
- Catholic Education
- Catholicism
- Cats
- Caulfield
- Caulfield Cup
- Caulfield Racecourse
- The Causeway
- Cavenagh, George (1808 - 1869), journalist
- Cawthorn, Minnie Elizabeth (1898 - 1966), aviatrix and headmistress
- Cawthorn, Walter Joseph (1896 - 1970), diplomat, intelligence chief and soldier
- Cazaly, Roy (1893 - 1963), footballer
- Celestial Avenue
- Celtic Club
- Cemeteries
- Censorship
- Centenary
- Central Board of Health
- Central Melbourne
- Centre for Education and Research in Environmental Strategies
- Centre for Urban Research and Action
- Centre Place
- Centre Way
- Centrepoint Mall
- Century Building
- Ceremony and Vehicle for Conveying Spirit
- Chadstone
- Chadstone Shopping Centre
- Chamber Made Opera
- Chamberlin, Michael (1891 - 1972), businessman and Catholic layman
- Chambers, Katherine
- see Williams, Katherine Mary Isabel (1895 - 1975), unionist
- Chancery Lane
- Chapel Street
- Chapman, Wilfrid Dinsey (1891 - 1955), engineer
- Chapter House Lane
- Charity Conferences
- Charity Organisation Society
- Chatham
- Chauvel, Henry George (Harry) (1865 - 1945), soldier
- Chelsea
- Cheltenham
- Chemical Industry
- Cherry, Thomas (1861 - 1945), agricultural scientist and bacteriologist
- Cherry, Thomas MacFarland (1898 - 1966), professor of mathematics
- Chester Lane
- Chevalier, Nicholas (1828 - 1902), artist
- Chevron Hotel
- Chiel, The
- see Cox, Erle (1873 - 1950), journalist and writer
- Child Rescue
- Childers, Hugh Culling Eardley (1827 - 1896), politician
- Children
- Children's Health
- Children's Play
- Children's Pond And Waterfall
- Children's Protection Society
- Chinese
- Chinese New Year
- Chirnside Park
- Chisholm Place
- Chisholm, Alexander Hugh (Alec) (1890 - 1977), encyclopaedist, journalist and ornithologist
- Chloe
- Choirs
- Christian Brothers
- Christie, George Swanson (1917 - 1980), professor of pathology
- Christmas
- Christmas Hills
- Church Lane
- Church Street
- Church, Ann Rachel (1925 - 1975), costume designer and set
- Churches of Christ
- Cinemas
- Circus
- Circus Oz
- City Development Association
- City Growth
- City Living Sculpture
- City of Melbourne Art and Heritage Collection
- City Planning
- City Square
- Civic Treasures
- Clapp, Francis Boardman (1833 - 1920), businessman
- Clapp, Harold Winthrop (1875 - 1952), railway administrator
- Clarey, Katherine
- see Williams, Katherine Mary Isabel (1895 - 1975), unionist
- Clarey, Percy James (1890 - 1960), politician and trade union leader
- Clark, John James (1838 - 1915), architect
- Clarke, Andrew (1824 - 1902), military engineer and public servant
- Clarke, Henry Lowther (1850 - 1926), Anglican archbishop
- Clarke, Marcus Andrew Hislop (1846 - 1881), journalist and novelist
- Clarke, Rupert Turner Havelock (1865 - 1926), entrepreneur and pastoralist
- Clarke, William (1843 - 1903), businessman and parliamentarian
- Clarke, William John (1831 - 1897), landowner, philanthropist and stud-breeder
- Class
- Classical Music
- Clayton
- Clayton Reserve Drinking Fountain
- Clematis
- Clendinnen, Frederick John (1860 - 1913), radiologist
- Cleofas
- see Neild, James Edward (1824 - 1906), drama critic, forensic pathologist, journalist and medical editor
- Cleve Gardens
- Cleve Lane
- Clifton Hill
- Climate
- Clock and Watchmakers
- Closer Settlement
- Clow, James (1790 - 1861), Presbyterian minister
- Club Lane
- Clunies Ross, William Ian (1899 - 1959), administrator and veterinary scientist
- Clyde
- Co.As.It.
- Coat Of Arms
- Coates Lane East and Coates Lane West
- Coates, Albert Ernest (1895 - 1977), surgeon
- Coatesville
- Cobb & Co.
- Cobb, Freeman (1830 - 1878), businessman and coach line proprietor
- Cobb, Victor Ernest (1876 - 1945), artist
- Coburg
- Cochrane, George Henry
- see Hervey, Grant (Madison) (1880 - 1933), swindler and versifier
- Cockatoo
- Cocker Alley
- Cockerill, George (1871 - 1943), author and journalist
- Cockram, Thomas (1831 - 1912), builder
- Coffee
- Coffee Palaces
- Cohen Place
- Cohen, Edward (1822 - 1877), Jewish community leader, merchant and parliamentarian
- Cohen, Emily
- see Leggett, Emily (1875 - 1949), ballroom-dancing promoter
- Cohen, Harold Edward (1881 - 1946), businessman, lawyer, politician and soldier
- Cohen, Henry Isaac
- see Cohen, Isaac Henry (1872 - 1942), barrister and politician
- Cohen, Isaac Henry (1872 - 1942), barrister and politician
- Cohen, Montague (1855 - 1931), businessman and lawyer
- Cohen, Samuel Herbert (Sam) (1918 - 1969), barrister and politician
- Cohn, Carola (Ola) (1892 - 1964), sculptor
- Coldstream
- Cole, Edward William (1832 - 1918), bookseller
- Cole, Frank Hobill (1863 - 1934), paediatrician
- Cole, George Ward (1793 - 1879), merchant
- Coleman, John Douglas (1928 - 1973), Australian Rules footballer and publican
- Coles
- Cole's Book Arcade
- Coles Fountain
- Coles Place
- Coles, George James (1885 - 1977), businessman and philanthropist
- Collier, Frederick Redmond (1885 - 1964), singer
- Collier, Jenkin (1829 - 1921), contractor and grazier
- Collingwood
- Collingwood Children's Farm
- Collingwood Football Club
- Collingwood Stockade
- Collingwood Tote
- Collins House Group
- Collins St., 5p.m.
- Collins Street
- Collins Way
- Collins, Cuthbert Quinlan Dale (1897 - 1956), author
- Colman, George Stanley (1884 - 1966), businessman
- Colonus
- see à Beckett, William (1806 - 1869), chief justice
- Colquhoun, Alexander (1862 - 1941), artist and critic
- Comedy Theatre
- Commerce Way
- Commercial Travellers' Association
- Committee for Melbourne Inc.
- Communism
- Community
- Community Legal Centres
- Community Radio
- Como House
- Condells Lane
- Condon, Doris Catherine (1908 - 1979), mayor
- Confectionery
- Congregationalist Church
- Connelly, Francis Raymond (1895 - 1949), businessman and lord mayor
- Connibere, Charles Wellington (1864 - 1941), businessman and philanthropist
- Connor, Jean
- see Macnamara, Annie Jean (1899 - 1968), medical scientist
- Conscription
- Conservation
- Conservatory Fountain (aka Boy With Serpent, and Ornamental Fountain)
- Considine, Michael Patrick (1885 - 1959), politician and union militant
- Constance Stone Lane
- Constellation
- Convenience Stores
- Convent of the Good Shepherd (Abbotsford Convent)
- Convicts
- Coode Island
- Cook, Bertie Stuart Baxter (1877 - 1968), journalist
- Cook's Cottage
- Cookson, Isabel Clifton (1893 - 1973), botanist and palaeobotanist
- Coolaroo
- Coolibah
- see Bruce, Minnie Grant (Mary) (1878 - 1958), journalist and writer of children's books
- Coolibah Day Centre
- Coonans Hill
- Co-Operative Movement
- Coopers Alley
- Coop's Shot Tower
- Copeland, Michael
- see Collins, Cuthbert Quinlan Dale (1897 - 1956), author
- Copland, Douglas Berry (1894 - 1971), academic, bureaucrat , diplomat and economist
- Coppel, Elias Godfrey (1896 - 1978), barrister
- Coppin, George Selth (1819 - 1906), comic actor and entrepreneur
- Coranderrk
- Corkill, Arthur Basil (1898 - 1958), medical researcher
- Cornish, William Crocker (1815 - 1859), building contractor
- Coromandel Place
- Coroners
- Corporal Punishment
- Corrs Lane
- Cosgrave Lane
- Cosgrave Place
- Costello, Patrick (1824 - 1896), contractor, politician and publican
- Cottles Bridge
- Coughlan, Frank James (1904 - 1979), jazz musician
- Council for Aboriginal Rights
- Councillor William Cook Memorial Drinking Fountain
- Country and City
- Country Roads Board
- Country Women's Association
- The Court Favorite
- Courts
- Coverlid Place
- Cowan, Ronald William Trafford (1914 - 1964), educationist
- Cowen, Frederic Hymen (1852 - 1935), composer and conductor
- Cox, Erle (1873 - 1950), journalist and writer
- Cox, Leonard Bell (1894 - 1976), art collector and neurologist
- Craigieburn
- Craigs Lane
- Cranbourne
- Crawford, James (Jim) (1908 - 1973), journalist and playwright
- Credit Unions
- Cremor, William Edward (1897 - 1962), army officer and schoolteacher
- Cremorne Gardens
- Creswick, Alexander Thomson (1853 - 1939), pastoralist
- Crib Point
- Cricket
- Crime
- Crime Fiction
- Crime, Law & Order
- Criminology Society of Victoria
- Crisp, Christopher (1844 - 1915), editor and newspaper proprietor
- Croatians
- Croft Alley
- Crombie Lane
- Cronin, Bernard Charles (1884 - 1968), author
- Croquet
- Crossley Street
- Crown Entertainment Complex
- Crown Place
- Crowther, George Henry (1854 - 1918), educationist
- Croxton
- Croydon
- Cruises
- Cultural Institutions
- Culture
- Cumberland Place
- Cuming, James (1861 - 1920), businessman
- Cumming, John (1830 - 1883), pastoralist
- Cumpston, John Howard Lidgett (1880 - 1954), first director-general of the Australian Department of Health
- Cunningham, Edward Sheldon (1859 - 1957), journalist
- Curr, Edward (1798 - 1850), company manager
- Curr, Edward Micklethwaite (1820 - 1889), author and squatter
- Currency
- Curtain, John (1835? - 1905), entrepreneur, politician and publican
- Curthoys, Roy Lancaster (1892 - 1971), journalist
- Curtin, John (1885 - 1945), journalist and prime minister
- Cussen, Leo Finn Bernard (1859 - 1933), judge
- Cussen, Patrick Edward (1792 - 1849), medical practitioner
- Custom House Lane
- Customs House
- Cutts, William Henry (1828 - 1897), physician
- Cyclorama Lane
- Cycloramas
- Cypriots
- Czechs and Slovaks